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Hay Fever Symptoms and Causes

Hay Fever Symptoms and Causes


Hay fever also known as allergic rhinitis causes cold and flu-like symptoms. These may include runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and sinus pressure. But unlike colds and flu, hay fever is not caused by a virus. Hay fever is caused by an allergic reaction to a harmless outdoor or indoor substance that the body recognizes as harmful (allergen).

Common allergic rhinitis that can trigger hay fever symptoms include pollen and dust mites. The fur or feathers (pet dander) of cats, dogs, and other animals can also cause allergies.

In addition to making you unhappy, hay fever can affect your performance at work or school and interfere with your life in general. But you don’t have to live with troubling symptoms. If you want to avoid allergic rhinitis triggers and are looking for the right treatment, then get a one-day sinus and migraine treatment at Disha Arogya Dham.

Hay Fever Symptoms and Causes

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Hay fever symptoms can include:

  • Runny nose and nasal stuffiness (congestion)
  • Watery, itchy, red eyes (allergic conjunctivitis)
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Itchy nose, tingling in the mouth, or throat
  • Mucus that runs down the back of your throat (after a nasal drip)
  • Swollen, cracked skin under the eyes (allergic shiners)
  • Extreme tiredness, often due to poor sleep

Hay Fever Triggers

Your hay fever signs and symptoms may occur year-round or may begin or worsen at a particular time of year (seasonal).

Hay fever triggers include:

  • Tree and Flower pollen, which is common in early spring
  • Grass and flower pollen, which is common in late spring and summer
  • Ragweed pollen grains, which are common in the fall
  • Dust, soil mites, and cockroach droppings are present throughout the year
  • Dandruff from pets can be bothersome year-round but can cause worse symptoms in winter when homes are closed
  • Indoor and outdoor fungi, spores from moisture and mold, which can be both seasonal and year-round

Hay Fever or common cold?

The symptoms of hay fever or the common cold can be similar, so it can be difficult to tell which one you have.

Hay feverRunny nose with thin, watery discharge; no feverImmediately after exposure to allergensas long as you have been exposed to allergens
Common coldRunny nose with thin, watery discharge; no fever1 to 3 days after exposure to a cold virus3 to 7 days

When to See a DAD Ayurveda Doctor

See DAD Ayurveda Health Care Provider if:

  • You are not getting relief from the symptoms of hay fever
  • Allergy medicines do not provide relief or cause bothersome side effects.
  • you have another condition that may worsen hay fever symptoms, such as nasal polyps, asthma, or frequent sinus infections

Many people especially children get used to the symptoms of a fever, so they may not seek treatment until symptoms become severe. But getting the right treatment can bring relief.

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When you have hay fever, your immune system recognizes a harmless airborne substance as harmful. This substance is called an allergen. Your immune system is how your body defends itself, so it produces immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to protect against this allergy. The next time you are exposed to the allergen, these antibodies signal your immune system to release chemicals such as histamine into your bloodstream. This causes a reaction that signs the symptoms of hay fever.

Risk factors

The following increases your risk of developing hay fever:

  • Have other allergies or asthma
  • Having a condition called atopic dermatitis or eczema, which causes burning and itching of your skin
  • Blood relatives, such as a parent or sibling, suffering from allergies or asthma
  • Living or working in an environment that constantly exposes you to allergens such as animal dander and dust mites
  • Irritation of the lining of the nose due to exposure to smoke and strong odors
  • Having a mother who smokes during the first year of your life


The problems that come with hay fever are as follows:

  • Decreased quality of life. Hay fever can interfere with your enjoyment of activities and make you less productive. For many people, hay fever symptoms disappear at work, school, or college.
  • Poor sleep. Hay fever symptoms can make it difficult to sleep. Tiredness and being unwell can be common possibilities.
  • Worsening asthma. Hay fever can make asthma symptoms worse, such as coughing and wheezing.
  • Sinusitis. Long-term sinus congestion due to hay fever can increase your risk of sinusitis – an infection or inflammation.
  • The membrane that lines the sinuses.
  • Ear infection. In children, hay fever is often a factor in middle ear infections (otitis media).


DAD Ayurveda is a 100% successful treatment to avoid getting hay fever. If you have hay fever, the best thing you can do is reduce your exposure to the allergen that is causing your symptoms. Take allergy medications before exposure to the allergen, as directed by a DAD Ayurveda health care provider.

More Information

Seasonal Allergies

By DAD Ayurveda Clinic Staff

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